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Sean Grace
The Art of the Question
"The answers you get depend on the questions you ask" In my consulting business I work with lots of talented engineers and specialists...

Sean Grace
To Infinity and Beyond!
I was struck this past weekend watching the coverage of the NASA/SpaceX launch to the ISS. In addition to its historic significance, what...

Sean Grace
Breaking Through - Going Direct-To-Brand
Back in the day, big brands would tap their creative ad agencies to develop concepts for large scale, broadcast TV campaigns. Agencies...

Sean Grace

Sean Grace
Sales vs Marketing
I often encounter otherwise savvy business professionals who don’t know the difference between marketing and sales. They tend to...

Sean Grace
Pluck & Story Wins the Sale
I sometimes stumble upon the show Shark Tank, now in its eleventh season on CNBC. I’m sure you’ve seen it, it features entrepreneurs who...

Sean Grace
Listening vs Understanding
Good communication always starts with listening. But listening is often misconstrued as understanding. Most people “listen” for the sake...
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