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Sean Grace
The Art of the Question Book - Spring 2024
I wanted to take this moment to announce that my new book, The Art of the Question - A Guide for Seekers, Dreamers, Problem Solvers, and...

Sean Grace
The Agile Mindset
Some of today’s most innovative companies including Amazon, 3M, Barclays, and LEGO, are incorporating Agile-Scrum methodologies into...

Sean Grace
Bridging the Cultural Divide: Enhancing Organizational Performance and Productivity
Organizational culture can influence performance and productivity by a staggering 40%. Furthermore, cultural mismatches contribute to 70%...

Sean Grace
Affect Labeling
In this episode I talk about Affect Labeling - a cognitive linguistic hack that new research shows aids in our own emotions-processing...

Sean Grace
ATD23 Round Up
Just got back from the ATD 2023 conference in San Diego, the annual gathering of the Association of Talent Development. As AI disrupts...

Sean Grace
GPT-4 and the AI Revolution
With the release of OpenAI’s GPT-4, it appears we’re at a tipping point in artificial intelligence that will usher in a new era of...

Sean Grace
Art of the Question - The 3-Phase Model
Questions, more than answers, drive our curiosity about the world and each other. We learn through questions, we solve problems through...

Sean Grace
The Five Forces of Leadership
In this episode of the 3-Minute Leader, I talk about the Five Forces of Leadership - Model, Inspire, Challenge, Enable, and Celebrate. I...

Sean Grace
The Force of Habit
Research shows that the start of a new year is a good time to change habits, although making those efforts stick long-term is the harder...

Sean Grace
Negotiation Fundamentals
In this episode of the 3-Minute Leader I talk about the fundamentals of negotiating and how being clear about your BATNA, RV, and ZOPA...

Sean Grace
Essence & Analogies
In this episode of the 3-Minute Leader I talk about how separating a problem or challenge from its “essence” is the key to innovative...

Sean Grace
Lateral vs Vertical Thinking
In this 4th episode of the 3-Minute Leader, I talk about lateral vs vertical thinking and its implications in the creative process....

Sean Grace
Coaching Through Questions
If you’re a manager, how often do you end up solving the problems of the folks who report to you? Learn how to ask better questions of...

Sean Grace
Introducing The Art of the Question
Good questioning is at the heart of critical thinking, problem-solving, persuasion, and effective communication, but few are taught how...

Sean Grace
What's Your Style of Communication?
Everyone has a particular style of communication and knowing your own, as well at that of others, will only improve your communication,...

Sean Grace
Is Zoom Killing Creative Collaboration?
As companies, organizations, and teams wrestle with defining new return-to-work (RTW) vs work-from-home (WFH) protocols, new research...

Sean Grace
How Constraints Stimulate Creativity
The great Russian-born composer Igor Stravinsky once said “The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one's self. And the...

Sean Grace
The Power of Habits
For many of us, January is a time for new resolutions, goal setting, and the determination to shed old habits for new. With the turn of...

Sean Grace
Eleven Lessons In Creative Collaboration: Learnings From The Beatles Get Back Documentary
As a lifelong Beatle's fan, I was very much looking forward to watching the recently released documentary The Beatles - Get Back on...

Sean Grace
Is Frustrated Learning Key To Building Creative Problem Solving Skills?
As a classically trained musician I was taught that repetition is the mother of learning. Drill, repeat, drill, repeat, ad infinitum. I...
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