I wanted to take this moment to announce that my new book, The Art of the Question - A Guide for Seekers, Dreamers, Problem Solvers, and Leaders is nearing its completion and has a release date for early Spring. This book is the culmination of several years of research and writing, and builds upon the modules and learnings from my Art of the Question workshop series. The book covers a wealth of information about the mechanics, dynamics, and intricacies of effective questioning in business and personal communication, conflict resolution, problem solving, coaching, persuasion, critical thinking, teamwork, and innovation.
The book is intended for anyone seeking to enhance their question asking skills, whether for improved communication, emotional intelligence, creative thinking, or for navigating difficult conversations. I hope you’ll consider getting yourself, and your teams, a copy.
In the meantime, if you’d like information about the Art of the Question Workshops or any of our other leadership development workshops, please reach out.